Freakin Awesome Boo Boo Spray Hydrosol
Boo Boo Spray is a combination of many wonderful anti-inflammatory herbal hydrosols. It helps with all soothing all types of aches, pains and any skin inflammation. It contains echinacea, goldenrod, apple mint, lavender, comfrey, calendula and Jewelweed hydrosols rolled up into spray.
We add an eco-cert preservative, Leudical Liquid SF to all of our hydrosols.
Synergy of Other Products
From our experience, Boo Boo is stronger than Weekend Warrior Salve but some of our customers like the feel of a salve versus a spray and vice a versa. Or alternatively, they purchase both Weekend Warrior salve with Boo Boo Spray. The two have a nice synergy since Weekend Warrior contains arnica and Boo Boo does not.
In addition, many customers love the synergy of Pounding Head and Tension salve with Boo Boo. Pounding Head has different herbs than Boo Boo but they compliment each other beautifully. Consider keeping Boo Boo in refrigerator since the coolness amplify the soothing.
Lastly, our customers also love the synergy between All Purpose salve and Boo Boo for that extra oomph in soothing troublesome skin issues.
Recommended Uses
It works for all types of skin types. Spray it directly on your face or spray in the air and walk into the spray. (See HERE on how to step into the spray if you don't want to spray directly on your face.)
Spray it on your body as many times as you wish.
The Smell. It isn't Perfume.
Note: The wonderful smell of the hydrosol will only last for about 15 minutes. It is not a perfume but is a work horse aiding your skin and body. However, it is a nice aromatherapy tool and will give you that "ahhh" feeling when you spray.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Are Hydrosols?
Hydrosols are the water part of when plants or flowers are steam distilled to make essential oil. The rendering floral water contains the same plant monogram and is very gentle to your body. Some people use them internally, but we only make them for external use.
How Are Hydrosols Made?
We make all our hydrosols with fresh material and steam distilled in a cooper alchemic. (You can see a video HERE of a lemon balm distillation.)
In the case of the lavender, the hydrosol is made from the lavender buds freshly picked by us. Once we distilled the hydrosol, we stored them in air-tight glass containers and are refrigerated until sold.
We add an eco-cert preservative, Leudical Liquid SF. The preservative is 3% of the weight of the product. As mentioned above, this product is intended for external use only.
Which One Should I Buy?
Watch our hydrosol product video if you want to learn about the different hydrosols we offer. You can watch it HERE.
Recommended Storage:
The product comes in a glass container with a spray top. We recommend that to refrigerate hydrosols for a longer shelf life approximately one year.) However, it has a preservative, so you don't have to refrigerate. Lack of refrigeration shortens its life to 6 months.
Do not touch the liquid inside the bottle. You can contaminate the hydrosol.
How Is the Product Shipped?
We ship all hydrosols in a special indestructo box and leak-proof plastic bag.
With any herbal products, please, check with your physician or holistic providers before using any hydrosol especially if you are pregnant or nursing or taking medication.
The FDA has not evaluated any statement made in this description. This product is not intended for diagnosis, cure, treat, or prevent any disease.